Who buys art


Why do people buy art?
Have you ever thought about the question: Why do people buy art? Well the answer is simple. There are buyers in all walks of life and, consequently, just as many reasons for buying art. If you ask a larger sample of the population the question, the answers will certainly be evenly distributed within many main reasons, and here I have tried to name some reasons.

You become triggered or fall in love
An important main reason is the thought activity that takes place when you first see an image, and which often leads to a purchase, or which provides the best reason for buying an image. If the image somehow "speaks" to you so that you get a positive reflection, then this is often the reason.

Psychologists and also neuroscientists have for a long time devoted their attention to why people are so fascinated by art.  Humans have created visual art for many thousands of years, and right from childhood to adulthood, people are concerned with transforming their thoughts and ideas into something visual.  Art is thus part of our emotional register, and some images strongly appeal to one, while other images create no or a negative reaction.

Researchers have found that when people observe visual art, strong activity occurs in the part of the brain that has to do with pleasure.  This part of the brain is also strongly activated when we are in love.  It is clear that the same reactions as falling in love also happen when looking at pictures.

Owning a photo that has been purchased based on these reactions gives us great pleasure.  A new great sofa at a very high price will not, over time, give the same strong feeling and joy as owning a work of art, at perhaps a much lower price.

Art and new knowledge
Art and knowledge argues that the experience of art is so rewarding because it can be an important source of knowledge about ourselves and our relationship to each other and to the world. If you dive into art, you will find that art is a source of new knowledge. Many different artists throughout the ages have believed that art contributes to knowledge. A short visit to an art museum, where an art facilitator brings you into the complex and intricate world of art, can quickly give you the desire to research further, read more and simply acquire more knowledge about art. This is an investment you will rarely regret.

Support an artist
Of course, an artist also has material needs that go beyond buying wine and painting materials. There are a number of support schemes and grants for artists who create or practice an art form that is intended to decorate, share an experience, tell a story or evoke an emotion. Artists are in fact the group in Norway whose wage incomes are falling in the country, and are the occupational group with the greatest uncertainty in terms of future income.

The artist title is not protected, which means that basically anyone can call themselves an artist.  Some artists have an academic education in art, while others have courses or have apprenticed with established artists.  Still others have none of the aforementioned knowledge bases, and therefore call themselves self-taught.  Everyone produces art, and when you buy art from a creative artist, as opposed to a poster from IKEA, you help keep culture and art together.

Want to impress
Many will claim that they buy art to decorate their home, but art can be said to have become the new cultural capital. Consequently, there may be many people who want to buy art to highlight their status as art connoisseurs, or as investors in art. Expensive art on the wall impresses, beautiful art impresses and art from famous artists impresses. There is much more swagger in a picture of a famous artist than a poster from Skeidar. Even a boring home becomes interesting if a piece of art on the wall can spark conversation during a party.

Art can show your personality.
Art is personal and it is the art you choose that hangs on your wall. Therefore, the art that you choose becomes a small window into your soul. You make visible what you like in front of the artworks you have chosen. If you like colours, there are colors hanging on the walls. If you like the dark, there are often also dark pictures on the wall. Choose your art carefully, because you have to stand for your choices.

Great investment
Art is one of the best and oldest ways to invest money. Imagine being able to have a truly remarkable piece of art that will also see a significant increase in value sometime in the future. There is a reason why wealthy people around the world invest their fortunes in art. Here, of course, there is art at a price that exceeds both your and my wallet, but for us the process of finding art at affordable prices can be an exciting task. Buying a picture of an artist who is at the beginning of his career, only to find that pictures five years later sell for a much higher price than what you paid. You must of course know what you are doing, because all art does not become more valuable over time.

Make it nice at home
We refurbish our homes for large sums of money every year. We buy design magazines and interior design magazines, and the TV media is filled with renovation programs and not least the advertising between each programme. So far, art has not received the same attention in the media, but those of us who redecorate know that we want something great on the walls after the paint has dried. On the web, there is now an explosion in the number of websites that specialize in selling or communicating art. Although there isn't a gallery within miles, you can now sit quietly in your newly renovated living room and buy the most beautiful pictures. Art helps to make a mark on our home in a personal way, and nothing fills up a blank white wall as well as a painting. A home filled with beautiful art is a beautiful home.

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